
goit-rdb-hw-05 Relationship Databases Topic V Nested requests. Code reuse

– Task 1. SQL query that displays the order_details table and the customer_id field from the orders table, respectively, for each record field from the order_details table


– Task 2. SQL query that displays the order_details table. The results are filtered so that the corresponding record from the orders table fulfils the condition shipper_id=3. A nested query in the WHERE clause used


– Task 3. SQL query nested in the FROM' statement, which selects rows with the quantity>10’ condition from the order_details table.


– Task 4: Solution for task 3 using the WITH statement to create the temporary table temp


– Task 5: This function has two parameters that divide the first parameter by the second. Both the parameters and the return value are of FLOAT type. The DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS construct applied to the quantity attribute of the order_details table

